Image of First Church of Truth.
Our church.

A century of ISA.

100 years! 1924-2024

This is the site for the Spiritualist First Church of Truth in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are a member of the Independent Spiritualist Association (ISA). Our historic church is located in a classic area of Grand Rapids.

All races and belief systems are welcome!

We are at: 127 Meerse St, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Services are at 11am ET.

Our pastor is Rev. William Lumsden. Contact him at

Pastor Bill has a kind heart and a great sense of humor. Bill laughs a lot. Be like Bill.

Mission statement

We are a community of non-traditional seekers of higher consciousness, focused on spiritual and personal growth, through heart-centered acceptance, compassion and service.


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Nine Principles

  1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.
  2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.
  3. We affirm that the correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith, constitute true religion.
  4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.
  5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.
  6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule, “Whatsoever you would that others should do unto you, do you likewise unto them.”
  7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obeys or disobeys Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.
  8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul, here or hereafter.
  9. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy contained in the Bible are scientifically proven by Mediumship.

What we believe

Spiritualism is a religious and spiritual belief which blends ancient wisdom and contemporary thought. References to Spiritualism have been found for centuries in religious, literary, and historic writings. The understanding that life continues after death and that communication is possible between the Spirit World and the Earth World is the foundation of present day Spiritualism.

Spiritualists recognize God as the Universal Source, the infinite Spirit. We believe that each of us is an integral part of the God Power. Our philosophy, drawn from this understanding, teaches that the part of spiritual growth and positive living comes from taking personal responsibility for one’s own behavior.